Exatron's comprehensive frost prevention system eliminates frost issues.
- The same frost prevention assemblies are used on all Exatron tri-temp solutions, from benchtop thermal forcing systems to high-volume production handlers. (Model 3080, Model 802s, Model 900s, Model 8000s.)
- Pneumatic test site shutters open only during insertion/removal and testing.
- Built-in, dry purge air is supplied to the thermal head and test socket, allowing for cold test without having to return to room temperature between test cycles.
- Pure air controls allow precise application of purge air during test. Hours-long testing with ZERO FROST ISSUES.
- Foam gaskets at the top and bottom of the test socket, improves upon messy, inefficient taped-on foam.
- Purge enclosure around Wide Range Thermal Head (WRTH) during test.