Model 902 Burn-in Board Transfer IC Handler

902 Burn-in Board Transfer Handler
902 Burn-in Board Transfer Handler
902 Burn-in Board Transfer HandlerOpen/Close Pickup Head at SocketBus Stop with VacuumRotating Pickup Head at Bus Stop


  • Easily removable Burn-in Board. BIB carriage changes over in less than a minute.
  • Bus Stop transfer station precises devices and increases production speed.
  • One rotating pickup head and one socket opening/closing pickup head.
  • Two JEDEC tray, input/output as needed.
  • Virtually "kit-less" -Quick and easy changeover of bust stop and pickup heads.
  • Robust automation software, generated in-house at Exatron, offers extensive diagnostics and control. -Defective socket tracking software optional.
  • Vision options available: -Device presence/Pin1 rotation. -BIB 1D/2D bar code reader and ID software.
  • Windows 10 operator GUI.
  • Fully enclosed on all sides, doors electrically and mechanically locked.
  • Heavy duty welded steel frame.
  • CE marked. RoHS compliant. Meets all ESD requirements.
  • System designed, manufactured, and built in San Jose, CA.
  • Multiple input/output, test, and other options. (See 900 Pick and Place Handler.)


X-Y Drive SystemServo motor-driven lead screws
X-Y Axis Resolution: 0.1mm (0.003")
X-Y Axis Max. Velocity:122cm/s (48"/s)
Z Plunger:Servo motor-driven lead screws
Z Axis Resolution:+/-0.1mm (0.003")
Z Axis Repeatability:+/-0.1mm (0.003")
Placement Force: Up to 10kg (20lbs) force with standard pickup heads
Theta Drive System:Precision stepper motors
Theta Axis Resolution:0.1°
Theta Axis Repeatability:+/-0.1mm (0.003")


Power:100-240VAC 50/60Hz @ 240 Watts
Air:5.9 bar (85 PSI) @ 3 CFM clean, dry air
Operational Temp.13-32°C (55-90°F)
Humidity:35-90% RH non-condensing